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1/18/2023 B

Hathor No. 1110= In the middle of writing my paper on Mercury in Libra, the goddess Hathor sent me this sign. She is the Egyptian goddess of love, beauty and the arts, so it's not surprising that she would what to chime in on this subject. And the fact that I have Mercury in Libra makes it all the more personal.

No.1110 is made up of the powerful vibrations of the No. 1, which appears three times. And on top of that, they are being enhanced by the No. 0.

The influence of the No. 1 means strong will, determination, intellect, independence, individuality and courage, but it also represents the new beginning and start of a new cycle along with an active spirit. What's hidden here is that No. 1110 has three times the No. 1, which represents birth, life and death, but this doesn't have to do with a physical life cycle, it's about new ideas and the birth of specific activities in my life. More important is the fact that the No. 0 comes after the three ones.

In this case, the No. 0 represents the reaching of the ultimate self-discovery and spirituality.

I need to also note that the sum of the number in the numerical sequence adds up to the root No. 3, which symbolizes the principles of growth here. And again, she wants to emphasize the pattern of a beginning, the middle and the end, which has to do with my phases in this lifetime.

There are so many negative feelings in humans: fear, sadness, pain, intolerance, anger, greed and jealousy are among them. These emotions sometimes overrule time and reality to the point where they become even further removed from their actual destination of true love and spirituality.

Hathor wants me to see, to realize and to comprehend that those who believe in a better future and their success are the ones who most often succeed in life. In other words, what I think is what will eventually happen to me. If I believe I'm a victim of demonic intentions or other negativities in life- even something as simple as karmic debts- it will happen! The last thing I should do is think on the negative things, as they will end up taking over my entire world. I need to be positively motivated, and the Angels' messages can help me with that, as the Angels will provide me with positive goals.

The reason this No. 1110 is so specific and unique is simply because the No. 0 that stands at the end of this numerical sequence represents a hidden opportunity for my progression into transition at the end of this life.

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