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sharmin Akther

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sharmin Akther
Apr 11, 2022
In Wellness Forum
What does this mean for search marketing? For some industries, some marketing budgets, and some queries, the need for SEO and PPC will be greater than ever. Don't quarantine your marketing As with any crisis, how an organization responds is critical. Are you calm and in action, or panicked and paralyzed? Two things people shouldn't be doing right now: hoarding toilet paper and hoarding search marketing budget. How a company deals with marketing can make or break them. The answer in these times is not to stop marketing. For many, however, it may make sense to reallocate existing marketing budget (like event or billboard budget) to different digital channels. 10 things to do for marketers in the current crisis Here are 10 things company employee list businesses should consider when faced with the current situation or future situations like this. 1. Know the search trends. To be more relevant for short-term SEO and PPC campaigns, be aware of what is currently being searched for I suggest using Google Trends). As a retailer, you could make huge gains from your SEM campaigns if you have the products people are looking for. On the other hand, if you know what kind of search results are currently showing for a query (remember: the query deserves freshness), you can create relevant content to answer it. 2. Create timely and relevant content. What does your audience or consumer want to know from you right now? Use this opportunity to communicate and give unique and branded information about the situation. Make sure you have a good mix of content that is both business as
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