Yehuyah No. 322= This is my magick number. I shouldn't fear working hard for the goals associated with it, but I need to strategize properly and have a contingency plan for every step of my journey. Yehuyah will help me deal with any hitches to my plans. But, for this to happen, I'll need to be proactive this morning.
I learned from my Thought Adjuster that the luckiest day of the year is happening on
April 30th and this is due to a Jupiter/Venus conjunction that will occur, which can set the stage for the fairytale partnership I deserve. As such, I may find that the people around me will seem to understand my needs more intuitively than usual. But, in order for me to effectively receive their love and understanding, I have to open my heart to trust.
The powerful vibrations of the No. 3 and 2 play an important role in my life. This is partially because of the double occurrence of the No. 2. The No. 22 is my life path number, and it is referred to as the Master Builder number. Therefore, it gives my life the extra energy it needs to make things happen. The number 30 reduces to No. 3, which will give me the ability to be more self-expressive. This means that I'll be able to manifest special gifts, talents, abilities and optimism with it in my life.
Also, Yehuyah states that the No. 3 communicates the energy of the Ascended and Descended Masters, as described in the message on April 1st (see message 4/1/2022 A. and B.). It shows me that they are ready to intervene in my life. This means I'll be able to manifest my desires quite effortlessly. The connection here lies in the fact that the 30th of April will be a new moon- just as it was on the 1st of April, and the presence of the Angel No.322 will give me the harmony I'll need to create balance in relationships and foster the ability to engage in a meaningful partnership. As a result, my personal and business collaborations will be immensely successful.
This "magick" number empowers me with ancient wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I'll have the power to be adaptable, creative, optimistic and happy. Additionally, the Angel No.322 brings a message of hope into my life. In particular, my Archangel guardian Raphael is empowering me with the ability to maintain my self-beliefs (see message 4/2/2022 A.). This allows me to trust that my destiny will unfold as per my Lifes' Divine plan, so that I can possess Divine guidance.
Yehuyah tells me that the cosmic powers are working concertedly to protect my life. At the same time, they are out to help me get unstuck whenever I face big challenges.
Angel No.322 is a message from Yehuyah saying that I need to listen to my inner voice, as my intuition is a powerful tool. I can rely on it to get answers to Lifes' puzzling issues.
When I decide to heed the message of this Angel number, I'll experience some life-changing moments. So, through this number, my physical guardian angel advises me to enter into partnerships that will add value to my life! This is not a minor thing. You see, my relationships and partnerships of this nature will become the most crucial aspect of my existence. As it is said, "no man is an island unto himself," but it's important that I choose solid relationships, as partnerships have the power to create or destroy my destiny. This is also true when it comes to choosing my spouse. The truth is that soulmates have different phases in our life too. Some will be positive, while others will be negative. Yehuyah is urging me to engage my late soulmate more at this time, as this will help both of us share experiences as we mature together.
Yehuyah asks me to be ready to forgive hir for the mistakes of hir past. Don't allow our present and future life together to become marred by past experiences. Although we will continue to face challenges every now and then, Yehuyah asks me to trust the divine beings to bring me messages of hope and optimism throughout our venture.
At the end of this article, Israfil sung me the song "Serenity" buy Blue Stone to drive the importance of this message home. See message 2/27/2022 AB. for the lyrics to this song, and this is also connected to the message 2/27/2022 A.