The true meaning of Jesus' parable about the Sower in Matthew 13:18 and Mark 4:13-20 reveals some of the major responses people have to hearing the truth. Those who are able to allow the truth to grow inside them can produce fruit (good works, etc...) that are 30, 60 or 100 times more than what they received (Matthew 13:23), and I've found this very enlightening as I become a Lightworker.
Jesus Christ was obviously calling people to follow Gods' truth in this case, but Christ shows all of us the way to follow our path- no matter what destination it may lead to, so my Thought Adjuster wanted to clarify what the general meaning of the parable of the Sower is about and how the birds symbolize the work of Satan the Devil in our spiritual development, and I'd like to share it with you.
Note that in 28 A.D., Jesus visited Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Tabernacles in the fall. After the feast, he traveled north preaching the Gospel until arriving in Capernaum. And it was on Capernaums' seashore that he gave the parable of the Sower to the multitude gathered to hear him.
The parable opens with a Sower spreading his seeds in a field. Some of it falls on hardened footsteps, which when spotted by birds, is quickly devoured. Some falls in areas where only a thin layer of soil exists on top of rocks. when the seeds begin to sprout, they are quickly noticeable due to their lack of depth. Their inability to establish roots and access moisture causes them to die in the heat of the day. A third set of seeds falls in hidden thorns and weeds. As these seeds sprout, the weeds also grow and quickly rob them of the nutrients and moisture they need, thereby causing them to die. the last set finds its way into ploughed, watered and fertile soil where each seed produces a varying number of crops.
The Sower in this parable is our Lord of Lords and Captain Jesus Christ, which calls each and every one of us to our path and charges us with the responsibility of using whatever talents and spiritual gifts we possess to serve and teach the truth.
The first set of responses to this parable is by far the most common. Even though they hear the truth with their ears, they don't grasp its meaning due to their hearts being hardened by sin. So, like birds always looking for an easy meal, Satan quickly comes and snatches away what these individuals have heard so that it never has a chance to take root.
The second set of responses are people who initially receive the truth with joy, but their roots are shallow even if their belief in the truth is initially grasped. As such, they begin to show signs of their zeal by attending religious events like church services and study groups. As long as things are going relatively good for them, they seem to be committed. However, the last thing these individuals expect is to have their beliefs tested and tried in the fires of Lifes' experiences when they're doing what's right, so the shallow nature of their beliefs become evident when trails and troubles come their way. Their faith, which is based far more on feelings than conviction, is quickly jettisoned.
The third set of seeds fall on reasonably good ground, but this group fails due to temptation. The people who hear the truth in this set respond positively to it and begin to grow and develop, but growing alongside them are the demands of this world and its deceptive messages about living ones' best life right now. Therefore, the cares of this life begin to compete more and more for their time and energy. As such, the temptation to pursue worldly fame and fortune, and the opportunities to fulfill their lust, soon proved to be more then they can withstand. Realizing both good and evil, they usually chose to pursue the temporary pleasures of this life instead of suffering loss in order to gain the hidden treasures of Divine Truth.
The fourth and last set of responses come from the truth finding an ideal fertile ground in which to flourish. These hearts have been properly ploughed and prepared by a source that must personally draw them towards the truth. By repenting and accepting our Creator Son we know as Christ in the age- as our savior before we can be saved, the seed that falls on this ideal ground is expected to produce 30, 60 or even 100 times more fruit than what the Sower (Christ) has sown in our hearts.